Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Raspberry Vinaigrette

I will admit to giving in to the plethora of pre-bottled vinaigrettes and salad dressings that are available out there - on many occasions.  Everything from the no name grocery store brand to the top of the price range designer brand (and not tasting all that much difference sometimes), but today I came across this raspberry vinaigrette in La Dolce Vegan by Sarah Kramer, and thought I'd give it a try.  After all I still have an enormous amount of raspberries in the freezer from a large harvest that we purchased back in the summer from one of our local wineries.

Raspberry Vinaigrette
yields about 1/2 cup

1 cup unsweetened frozen raspberries
3 Tbs sugar
2 Tbs olive oil
1 Tbs flax oil (or hemp, grapeseed oil) - I didn't have any of these, so omitted the second oil - still came out delicious :)
1 Tbs red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp tamari
  • in a medium saucepan, bring raspberries ans sugar to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • boil 1-2 minutes and remove from the heat.
  • place a fine mesh strainer over a small bowl and strain the raspberry mixture, discarding the seeds.
  • add the oils, vinegar and tamari; stir together well and refrigerate before serving.

 Raspberry Vinaigrette ingredients

there would of been one more raspberry, but I sneakily ate one on it's way to the pan.
(it's like sucking on a sweet raspberry ice cube :)

keep stirring continually so they don't burn - the smell is amazing.

use a fine mesh sieve because the seeds are tiny and you don't want any in the dressing.

I find that if you pour the finished vinaigrette into a bottle or jar, with a lid, you can give it a good shake just before you serve it.

shake, shake, shake.....shake, shake, shake

I used the raspberry vinaigrette over a simple green salad, along side a prosciutto wrapped salmon fillet and some soft french bread that we had left over.


    1. I love the pictures with this recipe, I love it. will give it a try

    2. Frameofhealth - I'd love to hear how you liked it :o)

      Vincent - thank you for the invite to your site (I've just been browsing through it), and I'd be delighted to join you :o)
